Saturday, October 25, 2008

Circles of Learning

Last year was the first time we had Circles of Learning and it was well received.

So this year, Terri Buckerfield taught the Provisional Cast-on (Link will bring up video from Knitting on how to do it).
Lise Wilson taught Wrap & Turn (link takes you to Lise' blog where she show's you how to do it with a step by step tutorial):

Shelly Hattan taught Jogless Join:
Stripes in the round:
(This only works if you have a minimum of 2 rows per stripe) Knit 1 round of the new color.
When faced with the first stitch of the second round: pick up a loop of the first color from the preceding row and place it on the left needle. Knit together both the first stitch of the new color *and* the picked up stitch of the previous row.
Continue knitting around.
Lisa Anderson taught the Disappearing Cast On (I think this is the link to the method - Lisa to verify)

Lise taught the Russian Join last year and had one of the attendees come up to her and tell her that she remembered the lesson and it had saved her on a lace project.

What really great feedback!

We also had a couple of new knitters and got some good feedback that the CoL's were really informative.

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