Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Education Committee Report

More Squares!

We are now up to 10 completed squares!

Cheryl Mason's second square

Karen Scarberry's square

Edie Bulioge's first square:

Edie's second square:

Terri Buckerfield's square:

Barbara Edward's square:

Mary Anderson's is done - photo to be posted later.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just a reminder. . .

March 12th - Guild Meeting - Master Knitting Program
Cheryl Mason, a Guild member, is a Master Knitter. She's going to share with us what she had to do to earn this great achievement from The Knitting Guild Association.

We also have 3 squares done out of 20 for the GAP - Hope to see some of those squares tonight!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Another GAP Square

This is square number one - also finished by Cheryl Mason. It's written by Judy Sumner.

This makes completed square 3 of 20. We're 15% complete. The goal for April is to be at least 35% complete - to be on target, we need at least four more squares done by the March meeting.