Monday, May 18, 2015

May 31, 2015 Stitch and Pitch

The Craft Yarn Council asked me to forward information about the Stitch and Pitch at Texas Rangers Baseball Game.

Friday, May 15, 2015

June Meeting and Location Search

Good Morning Everyone!

Last night was a very good evening!  I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.

We continue to search for that ideal place to hold our monthly meetings and we are researching all of our options.

I just spoke with Spring Creek Barbecue and confirmed we can have our June meeting there.  The banquet room holds 75 people and the gentleman I spoke with is pleased our group contacted Spring Creek.

The Spring Creek location is 315 W. State Hwy 114, Grapevine, TX.

Members, please continue looking into other locations.  All ideas you send to me and will be checked out!

I will keep everyone updated as we go forward with our search.

I am glad we had such a good turnout last night and so much fun!  I am looking forward to our next meeting on June 11 and getting summer started right!


Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 14, 2015 Meeting

Remember everyone, tonight is not our meeting night.  The May meeting will be next Thursday night, May 14, 2015.

Our meeting on May 14 will be our May Banquet meeting celebrating a successful year.

We will be having our meeting at:
Baja Mex Grill, 1212 William D. Tate, Grapevine, TX (By JoAnne Fabrics)
6:30 pm, Meet and greet
7:00 pm  Dinner and activities

Our May Banquet is the time for us all to be creative.  If you would like to join the fun, wrap one skein of yarn with fun knitting tools.  Examples:  Markers, Small notebook, Scissors, etc.  Use your imagination and go wild.  The total cost should be $15 max.  Remember this is a fun activity and if you feel you don't have time or energy to put into it, come to the meeting anyway.  We don't want anyone to miss this fun night.

I look forward to seeing everyone next Thursday!
