Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Master Hand Knitter Scholarships

We have a great announcement today.  I am extremely excited to be able to offer this to some special knitters in our group.  Please read the announcement and consider if this is something you would like to pursue.  The requirements will be saved in the files on our Yahoo Group and if you have any questions please feel free to email me.  Thanks so much!  Dixie

Scholarship for Master Knitting Program through Knitting Guild Association

The Bluebonnet Handknitter’s Guild is going to award three (3) scholarships for the Masters Hand Knitter Program through The Knitting Guild Association.  The three lucky winners will be chosen by a raffle in January and must be present to win.

Winners will receive:
·         Level 1 of the Masters Hand Knitter Program in Hand Knitting through Knitting Guild Association
·         Dues to The Knitting Guild Association for one year

·         Must be a member in good standing of the Bluebonnet Guild of North Texas  (A member in good standing has $25 annual dues for 2012-2013 paid by November, 2012)
·         There is no time limit for completion, but recipient must be a member in good standing till completion of Level 1 of the course
·         Member must be in attendance at the January meeting when the recipients are selected

Interested members need to submit their names by email to by January 2, 2013.  If more than three (3) people are interested in pursuing this endeavor, a raffle drawing will be held at the January 10, 2013.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Christmas/Holiday Party

Wow, I can’t believe we are in November and getting ready for our Christmas party. We had a GREAT meeting on Thursday night and have some exciting things coming in the New Year.

Our Christmas/Holiday Party had to be moved to a new venue. MiMi’s cafĂ© was booked for the 13th of December, so we decided on Macaroni Grill. The best part of choosing the Macaroni Grill is that they have ½ price on their wine on Thursday evenings! YIPPEE!

Remember we have a Sneaky Santa game that evening and if you would like to be included bring a $10 minimum, knitting related gift, i.e., yarn, pattern book, tool, etc.

Also we are going to have an additional raffle. The special raffle is for anyone who brings a gift for LaDora Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center. LaDora would like scarves, hats, slippers, lap robes, shawls, and mittens. There are patterns for some items on the Yahoo site under files. Of course, you can use a pattern of your choice for any of these items.  Let's get those needles flying and watch for a GREAT prize in the raffle.

Watch your email because there will be more details to follow for this event and other exciting events to come.


Monday, November 5, 2012

November Meeting

I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday night., Cheryl Mason is going to do our program. She is going to go through the steps to get your certification as a Master Knitter.

I know as Christmas is just around the corner my needles are flying, as I am sure everyone else's are as well. Bring along some of your neat Christmas ideas for show and tell.

Also if you haven't done so, please update the poll that is on Yahoo Groups.  It closes today and your input is important.
See everyone at

LaMadeleine Cafe

Highway 114

Grapevine, TX

6:30 p.m. for meet and greet

7:00 p.m. for the meeting and program   and if you are unable to attend, Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!